Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hunger Monster

I love hot glue. LOVE it. They had us use it at the -Muppet Making Workshop- at Faerie Con last year, but I think I was distracted by the Barge glue (can't readily get that here... I wonder how they came by some...). So a week of stitching on fur and minutes of glueing in eyes and on feather eyebrows and I am done with the Hunger Monster! Wheeee! He's modeled off the Weight Watchers 'Hunger' Monster... (I think I said all this in my last post, eh?)

I could not be more pleased. He stands so well (weighted feet) and oh! the hands. I had such fun 'sculpting' them out of the fur... and how happy am I to use ping pong balls for eyeballs?! ^_____^ I am just so slow on the uptake... my dream was to work for the Jim Henson company... but I never thought to use ping pong balls for eyes!? *shakes head*

But.. now with the power of hot glue (and a few spare white orbs) I am soooo ready! Aaaaafter I make my Autumn themed doll set.. and some holiday ornaments... and the last commission I have to do. :D

This big fuzz ball will be winging his way across the country soon, so if you want a hug (he is extremely huggable) send me word! I make no promises about the doughnut cravings that may follow ;)

Friday, October 23, 2009

in the deep dark...

...basement, is where I am. Away from the sun and heat and my art supplies... which is making it hard to create.

I have my personal computer set up, but not hooked up to za nets, so I haven't been able to bring you the photos I promised. Sorry 'bout that.

I am though, despite the above, working on a project or three... and shall get you images post-haste. I am currently working on the Hunger Monster from the Weight Watchers commercials. I found the fabric on Fabric.com... though they messed up part of my order, I can't complain about the quality of the orange fur I went to them for. It's nice stuff! And- Oh! What a mess I'm making! Orange fur all over the house... I have the vacuum ready at all times.

He'll be done by the end of the day... if I can get my hands on some ping pong orbs.... well, just one really.

Hope all is well on your side of the screen!