I could not be more pleased. He stands so well (weighted feet) and oh! the hands. I had such fun 'sculpting' them out of the fur... and how happy am I to use ping pong balls for eyeballs?! ^_____^ I am just so slow on the uptake... my dream was to work for the Jim Henson company... but I never thought to use ping pong balls for eyes!? *shakes head*

But.. now with the power of hot glue (and a few spare white orbs) I am soooo ready! Aaaaafter I make my Autumn themed doll set.. and some holiday ornaments... and the last commission I have to do. :D
This big fuzz ball will be winging his way across the country soon, so if you want a hug (he is extremely huggable) send me word! I make no promises about the doughnut cravings that may follow ;)
Hey Eden, I really love your work, I just started following your blog and your stuff is really great. I found out about your stuff when I saw your work at Creative Oasis. Since then I have told all my friends about it and sent your website around and even took some of my friends to creative oasis to check it out. Awesome work keep it up! The Hunger Monster is really great!
This guy came out so perfect! I can't wait to get my hug before he sees the inside of a shipping box.
Love to you, sis.
Hungry has settled in and became the "couch monster" in the front room ...and he even has his own TV remote control . Our Corgi wanted to eat him at first but she is as poseable as hungry so that is the picture that got posted . Hungry holding Amie by the body harness LOL . I am impressed , you did a first rate job :-)
Egads: Thanks, Caliber9. I've been meaning to send you a thank you for sometime... but can get stymied as just how to do such kind posts justice...
And, Monty - I am so so glad you're happy with him! He took longer than I expected to make - but I was just so pleased with him when he was done. Happy Birthday! <--- I know... I'm a little late.
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