His horns are made of a lighter Sculpey that I think turned out really well ~ can't wait to use it again. Maybe for some cool masks and ~ of course, more horns!
His jacket is made of piece of cloth from my good friend Rowan Rose over at Hughes Pottery.
Oh! I used sugru for his rather awesome little faun like monster-ears (which I see you can't see in this photo)~ I'll go into that more in a later post.
For now I think I'll prattle on about the strange witch-bunny-moon rabbit creature I just finished:
I've called her: Merrick. She was meant to by my Halloween themed doll... skipping right over a orange and black theme - I went with a witch/bunny/moon rabbit girl.. kinda... you know ~ idea.
Her hat was fun to make and I love the shape of her ~ she is up on Etsy: here.
I think... I may just be getting better at these things ~ though they are just as strange as ever.
I'm excited about my next few projects! I shall be back with more infos!! mawahahha