So I set about making a few smaller dolls the other day - my goal had been to make things with wings... but I completely failed >< and ending up making a faun and a fox girl.
As I worked on them I tried to think of stories - the places they came from - the worlds and paths they'd walked... which is always fun and a little bit more so when working with slightly more human creatures...
The faun I named Mina - who comes from a long family of fortune tellers and stargazers... I think all my fauns share the same story... maybe I just like to look of characters with horns gazing skyward... I think I wrote that she is 'often boisterous and impatient', which would set her apart...
The fox I haven't named - but I like the idea the she is a GateKeeper - you know... one of those characters that keeps the keys for the doorways to 'Other' places.... I like the idea that she was once human - but with time - this role/job is shaping her slowly into something different. I'll be making her a pair of shoes as soon as I'm done typing.
much love and a hug