I'm not even sure where to start... I think I've been non-stop sculpting, gluing and sewing this last week solid.... I finished seven and a half dolls and one more illustration is begging for ink. I've managed to get a doll done a day! Though on those days, I have done nothing else ( and when I say 'day' I'm really talking about 20 hours solid of work and usually touch up the next morning). But it has been wonderful to wake up and work and go to bed with a totally new creature to add to the growing mass of creations.
I've made mostly monsters and little impy creatures... yesterday I took all that i had done out to the sofa/work space to judge what the last doll (and a half) should be... I thought I had a decent line up only asking for a few more monsters. ;) So yesterday was spent with fur.
My poor brain... I'm not sure if it has been all the glue, staring at tiny things hunched over for hours at a time or the Sculpey fumes, but I feel utterly odd... as though the greater part of my brain has shut down to make room for the drive to do nothing other than make. I think maybe I can now understand all those crazed people who bring their lap tops on summer vacation, only, I doubt more than a quarter really enjoy what they do. I LOVE what I do! And finally having a solid reason to create again has been overwhelmingly wonderful.
Still, I hope I can slow down a little bit after the opening... because right now I'm sure if someone asked me a question I'd answer with: Huh? fur, what? What were you saying? I have to finish this doll.....
So I'll see you next week with show update-photos.... right after I finish this doll......