Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Fauns - Fellowship + Forgotten Fridays

My plan of updating every friday seems to be falling by the way-side.... as is my work schedule. I'm not getting as much done as I could hope/like/wish/dream/plan. Though there is little reason to whine about such things - the only thing there is to be done is to work harder!

Life continues here - each day filled with the endless sound of passing cars and the cold winds off the lake. I don't know why people say this is the best city to live in... I have found nothing here but dirt and sameness - I must have missed something... I shall go out and hunt for it soon.

'till then - I'll be here - sketching fauns.

See you again soon!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sunshine and Spreading Chaos

Gonna have to go with an 'image update' - happy with the creations - want to start those bright colorful characters I've been meaning to make - AND then I want to work on more 'Eden-like' creatures.. you know, masks and horns and semi-creepy-strange-cuteness.